
Our projects

The following are some of the projects that are currently part of the Medipsy/MPPRG collaboration.

  • A study of treatment matching  and the factors that predict successful treatment outcomes. Ongoing investigations in this area have been crucial in developing the state-of-the-art algorithms that are used at Medipsy to make treatment recommendations to patients.
  • A study of therapist use of progress tracking measures and their effect on treatment outcome. This large scale survey of Canadian practitioners also aims to determine why many clinicians are reluctant to use tracking and progress monitoring measures, despite strong evidence that the implementation of such methods improves treatment outcome.
  • A study of use of virtual reality for treating clinical problems. This project aims to determine when virtual reality can be used most effectively in treating a number of psychological disorders and other difficulties.
  • A study of the value of existing practice guidelines developed by regulatory bodies. This project aims to assess the value of the methods used and recommendations made in the practice guidelines developed by regulatory bodies in Quebec.