and patients
Neuropsychological assessment (for children & adults)
To schedule an appointment
To schedule an apointment or for more information, please call us at 514-419-3005 or email us at You can also visit our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information, including information on our rates. We are located at 4610 Ste. Catherine O., in Westmount (Montreal).
Do you or a loved one require a psychoeducational or neuropsychological assessment?
Medipsy licensed clinical neuropsychologists offer a wide variety of clinical evaluations for children and adults of all ages, including cognitive or I.Q. evaluations (including for school derogation) and assessments for specific conditions such as learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia), attention deficit disorder, memory problems and other cognitive disorders.
Medipsy neuropsychologists are skilled in communicating effectively with other professionals including speech therapists, educational experts, or school representatives.
Assessment of attention problems, ADD, ADHD in children and adults
- Assessment of learning disabilities in children and adults, including reading (dyslexia), writting, and math difficulties
- Assessment of dyspraxia, of executive function deficits, austism spectrum disorder, Tourette's syndrome, and developmental and acquired neurological disorders in children
- Assessment of memory and cognitive functioning in adults and older adults
Medipsy also offers specialized services for ADHD. Please visit our webpage dedicated to the Medipsy ADHD Clinic for more information.
Psychological and neuropsychological assessments in children
- Do you worry that your child may be depressed or overly anxious? Do you worry that he or she may have a mental disorder?
- Are you concerned with how your child is doing in school? Is he having trouble concentrating or sitting still in class? Does he seem restless and fidgety?
- Does your child have particular problems with learning to read or to understand math?
- Do you have concerns about your child's comments, feelings, or behaviours?
Psychological, psychoeducational and neuropsychological assessments in adults and older adults
- Do you worry if you or someone around you has a mental disorder or other psychological difficulties? Does someone around you always seem sad or anxious?
- Do you, or does your partner or a parent, have difficulty remembering things?
- Do you, or does your partner or a parent, seem at time confused?
- Do you wonder if people around you are aging well or are begining to show signs of cognitive problems?
- Do you, or does your partner or a parent, express emotions that seem "disconnected" with a given situation?
Our rates
Information about our fees can be found here. For more information, please contact us at 514-419-3005 or at
Medipsy, for your neuropsychologist in Montreal.