and patients
Assessment & diagnosis (for children, adolescents, and adults)
Schedule an appointment
To schedule an appointment with a psychologist or neuropsychologist, or if you have questions, dial 514-419-3005 or email us at We are located at 4610 Ste. Catherine O., in Westmount (Montréal).
Our services
Do you need a formal psychological assessment, diagnostic assessment, personality assessment, neuropsychological or psychoeducational assessment, or assessment of school readiness (derogation)? Medipsy licensed psychologists can help.
Our child psychologists and psychologists for adults can conduct tests and clinical interviews, submit psychological assessment reports, make treatment or intervention recommendations, or liaise with external agencies and institutions on your behalf. We also offer neuropsychological testing for children and adults, including older adults.
- Assessment of personality in all age groups
- Assessment for mental disorders (for example, depression, anxiety, etc.) in all age groups
- Assessment of school readiness in children (school derogation)
- Assessment of learning difficulties in children, adolescents and young adults
- Assessment of intelligence (I.Q) in all age groups
- Assessment of general behavior in all age groups
- Assessment of cognitive functioning and cognitive abilities in all age groups
- Assessment of cognitive disorders
- Assessment of family dynamics
- Assessment of sexual functioning in adults
Medipsy also offers services through its specialized clinics, including the ADHD Clinic and the Phobia Clinic.
Conditions and disorders assessed
Our psychologists can conduct clinical interviews and structured assessments for a number of conditions, including for example:
major depression
seasonal affective disorder
generalized anxiety
post-traumatic stress disorder
social phobia / social anxiety
panic disorder (panic attacks)
obsessional compulsive disorder
bipolar disorder
adjustment disorder
personality disorders (borderline personality, schizoid personality, etc.)
childhood disorders (oppositionnal disorder, insecure attachment, etc.)
Our neuropsychologists can also conduct neuropsychological and psychoeducational evaluations to assess numerous conditions (visit the page dedicated to neuropsychology for more information), including:
attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity (ADD and ADHD)
learning disorders (dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc.)
IQ, giftedness, school derogation
Our rates
Information about our rates can be found here. For additional information, please dial 514-419-3005 or email us at